Making HIM Your Heart’s Desire

Author: Andy Robbins
As we approach the beginning of a New Year, I think it’s a good time to evaluate how we have been doing individually and seek the Lord’s direction for the coming year. One thing that I believe God has been speaking to me lately – both for me and our church – is the importance of seeking God passionately, desperately, and hungrily, more so now than ever before.
Psalm 37:4 provides an incredible promise along these lines. “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Really? He’ll give you the desires of your heart just by delighting in Him? Yes, that’s what it says. But I think we might take that word “delight” too lightly. What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord?
The Hebrew word translated into English as delight is ‘anag.’ One of the meanings of anag other than ‘to delight,’ is luxurious. Luxurious? It’s almost as if this passage is saying to delight yourself in the Lord as much or more than you would something that is luxurious or exceedingly pleasurable to your senses.
Now, I know that getting up in the morning to seek God in the dark hours of the morning in prayer and meditation in His word may not delight your senses as much as the delight you feel as you sit down to a wonderful gourmet meal or settling in to the luxurious feeling of your comfy recliner in front of your widescreen TV. But even if your physical senses don’t cooperate, your can will yourself to seek Him hungrily, because your spirit WILL delight in that to such an extent that eventually your senses respond as well.
I encourage you in this New Year to seek God like never before, because the desires of your heart will begin to be realized as you make Him and His kingdom your utmost passion. Here’s some closing tips on how to seek God like never before in 2011.
Daily seek Him in prayer, worship, and meditation in the scriptures.
Be a DOER of the Word, not just a hearer. Obey God in every detail of your life, even the seemingly insignificant and small areas.
Be at peace with everyone so long as it depends on you.
Give like never before.
Involve yourself in some capacity in the ministry, which simply means touching someone’s life and advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth.
More later.