War of the Worldviews

War of the Worldviews

Author: Andy Robbins In 2005 Stephen Spielberg released his remake of the H.G. Wells story, War of the Worlds. This story, of course, is fictional. But the continuing saga of the war of the worldviews is not fiction. As Christians, we face daily pressure to adopt worldviews that are in stark contrast to how our Savior would have us think. How should we view difficult social issues such as euthanasia, homosexuality, abortion, capital punishment,...

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War of the Worldviews, part 2: Do All Paths Lead to God?

War of the Worldviews, part 2: Do All Paths Lead to God?

Author: Andy Robbins Unitarianism has become popular in today’s post-modern culture. It is surprising how many people believe that as long as you are sincere, you can believe whatever you choose to believe and still be justified in the end. More surprising still is the number of churchgoers who believe that the spiritual path they have chosen is simply one of the many paths that lead to God. But is that true? Can two groups of people believe in...

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War of the Worldviews, part 3: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

War of the Worldviews, part 3: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

Author: Andy Robbins In continuing with our current theme of whether or not Jesus Christ’s claims of being God and the only way to salvation can be validated, we have to consider whether or not He truly rose from the dead. Since Jesus predicted that He would rise from the dead, His whole life and ministry would prove to be a fraud if He was not able to then do so. In a short post like this I cannot fully explore the mammoth amount of evidence...

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The High Road

The High Road

Author: Andy Robbins In 1976, a struggling screen writer hit it big with his script of “Rocky.” Sylvester Stallone created a character partly from a real person and partly from fiction that has been loved by moviegoers for more than 30 years. The story of Rocky parallels our spiritual lives in some compelling ways. As the story opens, Rocky Balboa, a 30-year-old small time boxer who couldn’t be called a has-been because he was more like a...

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Throwing Off Every Weight

Throwing Off Every Weight

 Author: Andy Robbins Have you ever had the chance to examine an Indy car? One thing that becomes immediately obvious is that there are no amenities on a race car. No cup holders, no air conditioners, no stereo systems, no glove box, and no GPS systems. Those cars are stripped down to only what is required for optimum speed. And, boy, do they ever go fast! Now, apply that principle of aerodynamics to our spiritual lives. The book of Hebrews...

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