What Does the Bible Say about Tattoos, pt. 7

WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT TATTOOS?  Part 7   Why did God Forbid Tattoos in the Old Testament?   As stated earlier, I wanted to base the bulk of our discussion around New Testament principles since many proponents of tattoos dismiss the Bible’s only mention of tattoos in Leviticus 19:28 as irrelevant to New Covenant believers.  But any discussion on tattoos would be incomplete without including some insight on this passage. I’ll...

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Another One Bites the Dust

Mega Church pastor, T.D. Jakes, has come out of the closet, so to speak. During an interview with Huffington Post, a liberal  publication that has promoted positions and values that are often very anti-Christian, Jakes said that homosexuals should attend congregations that affirm their lifestyles and that politics do not need to reflect biblical ethics, adding that his position on homosexuality is both “evolved and evolving.” Jakes is yet...

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Common Objections to Homeschooling, pt. 1: “We Can’t Afford it”

In a recent article I posted on our church website, I detailed some of the significant problems with public education and provided an argument in favor of homeschooling.  Toward the end of that post I mentioned that I am already familiar with some of the objections and challenges in pulling one’s children out of public school, and I would like to address those here and in the posts that follow.   In doing so, I will need to state some...

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Jesus’ Claims Force Black and White Choices

Jesus’ Claims Force Black and White Choices

Results of research on religious trends in America by Barna Research Group estimate that 85% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, but only 7% actually embrace beliefs and practices that coincide with the Bible and the teachings and example of Jesus. One criticism leveled at American Christians is that most of them don’t even know much about the Bible.  But I would suggest that perhaps not everyone who refers to themselves as...

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Pop Culture and the Bible

Pop Culture and the Bible

The popular culture in America is becoming increasingly humanistic.  The formal definition of humanism is, “An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.” Humanism, then, has its own set of philosophical doctrines, most of which are in direct opposition to the teachings and doctrines of the Holy Bible.  Listed below are a few philosophies of humanism that are increasingly being...

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War of the Worldviews

War of the Worldviews

Author: Andy Robbins In 2005 Stephen Spielberg released his remake of the H.G. Wells story, War of the Worlds. This story, of course, is fictional. But the continuing saga of the war of the worldviews is not fiction. As Christians, we face daily pressure to adopt worldviews that are in stark contrast to how our Savior would have us think. How should we view difficult social issues such as euthanasia, homosexuality, abortion, capital punishment,...

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