What Does the Bible Say about Tattoos, pt. 7

WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT TATTOOS?  Part 7   Why did God Forbid Tattoos in the Old Testament?   As stated earlier, I wanted to base the bulk of our discussion around New Testament principles since many proponents of tattoos dismiss the Bible’s only mention of tattoos in Leviticus 19:28 as irrelevant to New Covenant believers.  But any discussion on tattoos would be incomplete without including some insight on this passage. I’ll...

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Beating Lust: Mowing Down Weeds vs. Killing Them

I didn’t realize until the last year or so how prevalent sexual lust is in the Church.  I guess I sort of had an idea that it was a big problem, but not until I heard the statistic that 76% of churchgoing men actively seek out pornography that it really hit me.  That’s when I began taking some action to address this problem in our fellowship.   As I write this, the men in our church have begun a second go-round of The Conquer...

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MY TRIBUTE TO DANA KEY   Why I am Writing this Six Years After Dana’s Death   Dana Key was one half of the two men bearing the names of the Christian rock/pop group, The DeGarmo and Key Band (later known as simply, DeGarmo and Key, and then “D&K’).  Dana passed away in 2010 after a long and fruitful career and ministry.   It may seem like a strange thing to write a tribute to someone six years after the person’s...

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My Personal Testimony: Life Lessons from my Story

MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY OF CHRIST’S REDEMPTION It occurred to me recently that few people know the details of my personal testimony. I don’t talk about my pre-Christ life much because honestly, I’m ashamed of it. I identify with the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote to the Ephesians that it is “shameful to even mention what the disobedient do in secret” (Ephesians 5:12). Therefore, while I will not go into great detail about my sordid...

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Christian Junkies

Christian Junkies

As an addendum to this week’s sermon on faithfulness, today’s post is taken mostly from the my book, The Life God Honors.  The foreword was written by my friend, Brian Blair, of The Republic Newspaper.  He writes: “When I first began watching ESPN’s Sports Center a few years ago, the NBA highlight reels transfixed me. The nightly wrap-ups featured more dunking than an Oreo cookies-and-milk extravaganza.  Since I was...

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The Power of Your Attitude

The Power of Your Attitude

In yesterday’s sermon I spoke of the power of attitude.  Here’s an important addition to the discussion. It is in your power to choose your attitude.  Many people think that their circumstances dictate their attitudes, but this is not true.  You are a creature with amazing God-given power to choose your thoughts, attitudes, and even emotions.  Yes, thoughts, attitudes and emotions will come and go, but to simply give in to whatever...

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