What the Bleep?

WHAT THE BLEEP?   For years now I have been perplexed about the way some professing Christians talk.  Profanity coming from the mouths of people who profess Christ is perplexing because my assumption is that people who want to please God want to obey the Bible, and the Bible speaks very plainly about the way we speak.   However, I know we live in a very profane society.  I realize that everywhere you turn there is profanity.  Even...

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Another One Bites the Dust

Mega Church pastor, T.D. Jakes, has come out of the closet, so to speak. During an interview with Huffington Post, a liberal  publication that has promoted positions and values that are often very anti-Christian, Jakes said that homosexuals should attend congregations that affirm their lifestyles and that politics do not need to reflect biblical ethics, adding that his position on homosexuality is both “evolved and evolving.” Jakes is yet...

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Beating Lust: Mowing Down Weeds vs. Killing Them

I didn’t realize until the last year or so how prevalent sexual lust is in the Church.  I guess I sort of had an idea that it was a big problem, but not until I heard the statistic that 76% of churchgoing men actively seek out pornography that it really hit me.  That’s when I began taking some action to address this problem in our fellowship.   As I write this, the men in our church have begun a second go-round of The Conquer...

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Must a Pastor Be Seminary-Trained to be Qualified to Preach and Teach?

MUST A PASTOR BE SEMINARY-TRAINED TO BE QUALIFIED TO PREACH AND TEACH? . Sometimes the question comes up as to where I went to seminary.  I think this is an interesting question because sometimes it comes from a genuine desire to know my doctrinal leanings, but other times I sense that it is asked somewhat condescendingly, as if to call into question the legitimicay of a pastor’s call into ministry if he is not seminary-trained. ....

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Is There Only One “Authorized” Translation of the Bible?

IS THERE ONLY ONE “AUTHORIZED” TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE? _____________________________ Once in a while I get this question from inquiring minds contacting me on our church website:  “Do you use only one version of the Bible in your church?”  When this question is asked it always has to do with whether or not we use the King James Version of the Bible, which some camps consider the only “authorized” version of...

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